Media Contact

For media inquiries and filming permission, please contact:

Chundra Smith
Director of Communications and Engagement
[email protected]

Non-commercial filming and photography on fixed-route buses, trolleys and at the MATA Transit Centers is only permitted when permission is first granted by MATA prior to taking photos or filming. It is important to remember that the primary role of MATA is to move people to places. All requests will be reviewed. If the request is granted, the MATA team will work to fulfill the request once a time has been determined that will have minimal impact on the public and that the photography or filming takes place in a safe area. Please email Communications Specialist Mia Harvey at [email protected] prior to taking photos or filming.

News Media Interviews

All requests for news media interviews with MATA should be sent to Director of Communications and Engagement, Chundra Smith at [email protected].

News Articles

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