Respect Others

Do not use physical violence, intimidation, threats, harassment, or racial slurs toward another passenger, MATA employee, or security officer.

Allow Space

Occupy one seat, keep feet on floor, and place bags and backpacks in your lap. Help us keep bus aisles clear and vacant seats open to passengers on full-load buses.

Clear Priority Seating

Seating at the front of the bus is designated for persons with disabilities. As a courtesy, passengers are asked to offer a seat to seniors and adults traveling with small children.

Keep The Peace

Use a reasonable volume while talking on your cellphone or with other passengers. You must use headphones to listen to music while in transit on MATA. If music can be heard from your headphones, it's too loud.

Don't Block

If standing and/or waiting to exit, make sure you are not blocking the aisles or doors.

No Open Food Or Drinks

Open containers of food or drinks are not allowed on MATA vehicles. Please make sure to keep your food and drinks in a closed container while riding with MATA.

No Smoking And No Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol consumption are not allowed at MATA Transit Centers or on MATA vehicles. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: Any lit or smoldering pipe, cigar, cigarette, chewing tobacco, or alcoholic beverages. Possession of an open container of any alcoholic beverage on any MATA property is prohibited.
