Midtown Alternative Analysis Final Report

The Memphis Midtown AA is a multi-phase process designed to select an LPA for improved High Capacity Transit (HCT) service such as light rail, streetcar, and/or bus rapid transit (BRT) in Memphis’ Midtown corridor. This document provides detailed information on the project and the selection of the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) as required by the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) Alternatives Analysis (AA) process.

Additional Technical Reports

Community Engagement: Phase 3

Community Engagement: Phase 2

Summary of Previous Studies

This section provides an inventory and abstracts of prior studies completed with relevance to the transportation alternatives in the Memphis area.

Tier 1 Screening Executive Summary

The evaluation process developed to select the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the Memphis Midtown Alternatives Analysis (AA) consists of a two-step process. This document reports on the Tier 1 screening process and results.

Tier 2 Screening Report

The evaluation process developed to select the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the Memphis Midtown Alternatives Analysis (AA) consists of a two-step process. This document reports on the Tier 2 screening process and results.

Potential Alignments Report

The Memphis Midtown Alternatives Analysis is a multi-phase process designed to select a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for improved High Capacity Transit (HCT) service such as light rail, streetcar, and/or BRT in Memphis’ Midtown corridor. This document describes the process to identify the potential alignments for further consideration.

Public Engagement Report

Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) and its consultant team recognize the importance of a robust community engagement process in the success of this Alternatives Analysis (AA) study. The public involvement plan for the Midtown Area Connector AA study included a variety of venues for stakeholders and the public to receive information and provide input throughout the planning process.

Funding Analysis Report

The purpose of this technical memorandum is to provide a preliminary funding analysis to support the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) as part of the evaluation of High Capacity Transit alternatives (Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or modern streetcar) being considered in the Midtown Alternatives Analysis (Midtown AA). This technical memorandum represents the first step in the financial planning process for major transit capital improvement projects proceeding through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) implementation process.

Cost Estimation Methodology

This report describes the methodology used to estimate capital costs consistent with the current level of detail of analysis and the resulting cost estimates for various technology (Streetcar and Bus Rapid Transit) and route alternatives.

Operating Plans Report

To guide decision-making during the AA phase and through the project’s state and federal environmental processes, MATA has developed this technical report discussing the project’s potential Transit Operating Plans.

Environmental Considerations

The seven alignments chosen for further study have been reviewed for environmental considerations, to include potential stream/wetland impacts, protected species concerns, and floodplains.

Branding Strategy

MATA began the Alternatives Analysis Study in 2014 with the purpose to look at better ways to connect Midtown Memphis with other areas of the city. The name ‘The MAC’ is the acronym, name, and function of the Midtown Area Connector that was developed for the Alternatives Analysis Study. This brand is meaningful and memorable, with a character and spirit that is definitely Midtown Memphis.

Evaluation Framework Report

This document describes the evaluation process that is proposed to select the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for improved High Capacity Transit (HCT) service such as light rail, streetcar, and/or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Memphis’ Midtown Corridor.

Underutilized Parcels by Alignments

Investing in premium transit can also attract residential and commercial growth by spurring development of underutilized areas. The project team analyzed the potential for each corridor to spur residential and commercial growth by assessing the amount of undeveloped and underdeveloped land that would be served by, and that are good potentials for development within a half-mile of each corridor.

Midtown AA Ridership Forecasting

The purpose of this report is to summarize the ridership demand forecasting methodology and results in support of the Memphis Midtown Alternatives Analysis (AA).
